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How to Deal with Post-Accident Medical Bills

Written by Jamison Mark | Feb 28, 2018 9:38:00 PM

If you’ve suffered a personal injury, you know that it can impact your life in many ways. In addition to the difficulties of physical recovery and rehabilitation, you may face other struggles. You may be unable to work and without an income for a significant period of time, which can cause immediate financial strain in addition to uncertainty about your future employability or career advancement. While you are undergoing medical treatment that is vital to your recovery, one big worry may be how to pay your medical bills. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to see whether some of the following options may be appropriate for you.


Workers’ Compensation 

Workers’ compensation is an insurance plan that covers employees who are hurt on the job. Most New Jersey employers are required to carry this insurance, which applies to most work-related injuries to employees. If you have been injured at work, you must comply with the notice rules and requirements to file a workers’ comp claim with your employer. Your employer and its insurance carrier will then designate and refer you to medical providers who will treat you for your injuries at no cost to you.



Dealing with your health insurance company can be frustrating and confusing, especially if some provider bills are denied or contested. If you suffer an injury that may be due to someone else’s negligence or for which someone else may be liable, your insurance company may pay some or all of your provider bills and then pursue claims on your behalf to recover those payments. This can be confusing and unnerving, especially if you are asked to provide a statement under oath or provide other evidence regarding your medical history or previous injuries. You may feel pressure to provide invasive information. If you are confused or intimidated by the insurance claim process, or if you have been contacted by a representative of the insurer for the party responsible for your injuries, call a personal injury attorney immediately.



If you have received medical care for your personal injuries, you may already have bills piling up. If these bills are turned over to collection agencies, they can increase dramatically because of fines and late fees, which can seriously affect your credit. If your injury is the result of someone else’s negligence or fault, contacting a personal injury attorney can help put the brakes on this debt spiral. An experienced attorney can negotiate liens with your medical providers. A lien assures your provider that you have a pending legal claim against another party for your injuries and gives them to receive a negotiated amount from the proceeds of your case when you settle or receive a verdict from the court. Liens can help you stop worrying about unpaid bills, phone calls from creditors, and long-term damage to your credit while you continue your treatment and recovery.


Provider Referrals 

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you find expert medical professionals to evaluate and treat your injuries. Many PI attorneys have ongoing relationships with doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and other health care providers. These professionals are often more willing to provide the attorneys’ clients with medical care, secured by a lien, at no up-front cost. They can also work with your attorney to help you comprehensively document your injuries, treatment, and limitations and testify on your behalf. This is important because good medical evidence can be the key to recovering what you deserve.


Why Hire a New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney?

If you suffer injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence, an experienced PI attorney can ensure you recover all the damages you are entitled to, including medical expenses, lost wages, and more. If you are undergoing treatment and struggling under the weight of medical bills, you may not know where to turn. A personal injury attorney can help you understand the confusing process of evaluating your case and recovering damages that fairly compensate you for your injuries. Hiring an attorney can help you recover much more from an insurance company than it would offer you otherwise and can help you mitigate the skyrocketing costs of medical care and treatment along the way.


Contact an attorney as soon as possible after your injury because many claims have time limits! Stop worrying about how you will afford your medical treatment. Contact the experienced New Jersey personal injury attorneys at the Mark Law Firm today for a free initial consultation to see how we can help you recover.

For a comprehensive overview of workers' compensation in New Jersey, see our guide here.